Friday, July 10, 2009

34 weeks, 4 days

Had my 34 week appointment yesterday and we've established that I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions. I've been getting what feels like period cramps on and off for the past few days and apparently that's what contractions feel like??? Blood pressure's good, urine is clear and I gained another three pounds. We have our last two week appointment and then it's down to every week. Can't believe we only have five and a half weeks left to go. It's a little scary but I'm so ready for it. I'm getting so unbelievably uncomfortable. No position I'm in feels good, but it's par for the course.


Stace said...

I know what you mean... contractions aren't what I thought they'd be. I know they'll change during actual labor, but I never thought I'd be going through my day thinking "Is that a contraction??" I thought it was something you would just know.

So glad you're so far along!!! Your little one will be here before you know it!!

sweetpeanme said...

Feels like cramps huh? That's so strange!!! I have pretty debilitating (sp???) cramps...where I am down for the count...I wonder if labor will be similar...???

If might not be as bad as I thought...(famous last words..ha ha)

I'm so glad I've been able to watch your progress through this entire pregnancy...can't wait to see that adorable little face!!!

Ashley said...

YAY!!! Thats so exciting!!! We need a belly pic of you!! ((HUGS))

Meant to be a mom said...

I can't believe your so close. How exciting!
Sorry to hear about your BH's. I think I've been having them too. I guess its supposed to help get our bodies ready for labor so maybe your just getting all ready.

IVF Again! said...

Thank you!!! :)

Wow! You're almost 35 weeks. That's awesome. You're sooo close! Best wishes!!! :)

Lindsay said...

That sweet baby is gonna be here before you know it. I hope the Braxton Hicks aren't too bad for you, just remember, it's all for a good get you all ready to have a baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow--I can't believe how close you are getting! I hope the next few weeks give you enough time to feel prepared, but go by quickly for you. Can't wait to see her!